10 Must-Have Features Of A Good Website

Have you ever been involved with a company without first checking out its website?
You rarely do, yea?
While businesses can often succeed without having a website, studies have shown that 80% of buyers check out the website of any business before making a purchasing decision.
I can bet that you do the same too….am I right?
Whether you’re buying a product or service, you want to make sure the business you’re dealing with is genuine and the first thing you check is most likely the website of the company.
According to recent statistics, over 60% of small businesses have taken the challenge to change with time and have a website created for their businesses.
Whether you’re a solopreneur, a small business owner, a consultant, or even a job seeker, the demand of this decade requires you to have a functioning website in order to beat the crowd and win against the competition.
When you finally decide to have your own website created, you must take. note of these features, let your web developer be aware of each of them, and build get the website built with the features in mind and certify them before you ever sign off on the project.
What Will I Learn?
You Don’t Have a Great Website If It Doesn’t Have These Features
1 Command Credibility With Its Aesthetic Design
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A beautifully designed website gives your business credibility before prospects and builds trust for it.
You can’t afford to sign off on an ugly website especially when you’re not so famous that your fame is enough credibility for your business.
Websites like ETQ stand out amongst the top most beautiful websites in the world.
2. Easy To Use With Clear Call To Action
A good website gives your prospect easy navigation to every part they need to get to in order to find out all about your business.
You must certify that your website is well structured and can be browsed through by anyone.
You want to ensure that your website also provides a clear call to action for your visitors so they can easily take the action you expect them to take on each page of your website.
You can ensure that by going through the website yourself without any supervision by your web developer.
3. Can Increase Average Order Value and Give Greater Service to your Customers.
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If you already have many offers for your customers a great website will have a 1 click upsell on the checkout page or/and take the customers through several other offers on the buying process before he or she eventually leaves the website.
This process is often called a sales funnel and your website should have at least 1 incorporated.
Crossrope does it well by adding a one-click upsell to your order as seen in the above picture.
4. Convert Visitors Into Leads
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The majority of your site visitors won’t convert into customers on their first visit.
Your website must be built to convert these visitors into leads for you to follow up with them via email marketing, messenger marketing phone marketing, etc.
Like I did on my website, an email capture form should be placed on your website either as a pop-up or embedded with an incentive to collect the email address of your prospects so you can convert them into customers via your email follow-up sequences.
Read: How To Design A High Converting Ecommerce Website In 2021 The Best Way
5. Great Performace and Speed.
No one wants to spend time waiting before your website finally loads.
Your prospects have too short an attention span to be patiently waiting for your slow website to load.
You must ensure your website is optimized for speed.
6. Built For People Search and Social.
Okay. I know this isn’t the primary job of a web developer, but it’s very important you take note of this before launching your site.
The contents on your website should make sense to your visitors.
Having written the contents for your visitors’ consumption, the content should be optimized for search so your website can be easily ranked by search engines.
Your visitors should also have the ability to share your content on social media and give you more traffic thereby.
7. Creates Urgency and Desire
Related to number 6 above, your website should be built to stir desire for your offer in the mind of your prospects.
The design, copy, and structure should give your prospects a sense of urgency to quickly purchase your offer.
8. Great On Mobile
Since you know already that majority of your prospects will surf your website from their phones. you must ensure your website is mobile optimized and responsive.
Websites that are not mobile responsive are often a pain in the neck to visitors. Having your website built for mobile is one thing you must ensure before you sign off on your website development.
9. Optimal Security.
Your website should be built with the highest security measure put in place.
In this age where data security is a major deal all over the world, you don’t want to mess up with your customers’ data, allowing it to be breached by hackers.
You must at the minimum, ensure your website is encrypted, having an SSL certificate.
10. Easy To Operate
Yes, we know your website is built for your customers in mind hence why every pointer we have discussed so is far towards having your customers use your website satisfactorily.
However, you should also know that you or your staff who will be operating the website must find it easy enough to operate.
Hence, always agree with your web developer to create a video walkthrough of the website before you sign off on the website project.
Your Assignment
Now that you know the pointers, jot down each one of them and paste them in a place you’ll never forget so when next you’re about to hire your website developer you give him or her these pointers and begin your discussion from there.
And if you would like to hire one of the best WordPress and Shopify web developers, kindly reach out to me here.
Having learned the 10 must-have features of your website, you now have the privilege and sacred duty to pass on this post to your circle of influence by sharing it.
Do you know more ways a high-converting website can help grow your business?
Kindly share in the comment section below and let me learn from you too.